519-736-7557 Amherstburg, Ontario

Seasons Super-Agers Share Their Stories

Seasons Resident Lloyd with birthday cards

“It is not the years in your life that count. It is the life in your years,” advised Abraham Lincoln. Population studies show older adults over 80 are the world’s fastest-growing demographic, and in Canada, they are quickly outpacing other age groups. Research shares that one of their superpowers could be that they’re lifelong learners who continue to engage in a curious exploration of the world around them. 

So, what are some common habits of these ‘super-agers’? First, they stay active and even exercise regularly. Physical activity increases oxygen intake, which helps the body perform optimally. It helps the heart, and muscle-strengthening exercises specifically reduce the risk of falls. 

Additionally, they continue to challenge themselves. Mental activity comes in many forms, like games, puzzles, and reading. These will work to stimulate and engage the brain in new ways. 

They also report strong social relationships with others. This causes the attention region deep in the brain, responsible for social processing and awareness, to be larger. It is an important part of our lifestyle decisions that can contribute to living better and longer. 

Lastly, super-agers actually indulge! For example, some enjoy the occasional glass of wine with supper. The critical key here is moderation. 

A centenarian is a person who has reached the age of 100 years. Because life expectancies worldwide are below 100, the term is invariably associated with longevity. Seasons Retirement Communities is proud to be home to over 20 centenarians, whose combined average age is 102. 

Below, Seasons shares some fantastic stories featuring a few of their ‘super-agers’: 

Born on January 16, 1922, Seasons Clarington resident Lloyd moved to the community in 2015, starting a new chapter of his life at 92. When asked about the secret to his longevity, Lloyd humbly expresses that he believes he is here because it’s God’s will. 

At Seasons Clarington, Lloyd’s birthdays have become cherished celebrations. On his 100th birthday, Seasons Clarington organized a campaign that resulted in an outpouring of love as he received 150 birthday cards. Last year, on his 101st birthday, the community rallied even more, presenting him with an astounding 200 birthday cards. 

What sets Lloyd apart is not just his centenarian status but the wisdom and joy he brings to those around him. His advice for younger generations resonates with timeless wisdom: “You have to have an objective and then ambition to get it done. It’s not always easy, but it makes life more enjoyable when you love what you do,” shares Lloyd. 

His life has been filled with hard work and passion. Having spent his earlier years working on a farm, he dedicated himself to cultivating and selling tomatoes to Campbell’s Company of Canada. His happiest moments, he recalls, were when he and his wife sang in the Choir. Even after retirement, he found joy in carpentry, building a workshop to express his creativity. 

Ruth, another Seasons Clarington resident, also turned 100, making her the fifth in the community to become a centenarian. She joins an inspiring group that exemplifies vitality and longevity! Her journey is filled with wisdom, joy, and an ever-present twinkle in her eye, making her an extraordinary presence with everyone around her. 

Ruth is known around Seasons Clarington for her cheerful personality and the spark she brings to the community. Despite her disbelief at reaching this impressive age, Ruth remains as spirited and engaged as ever. She’s known for sneaking snacks when no one is looking, participating enthusiastically in activities like bean bag toss, and her cherished daily walks. Her playful spirit keeps everyone around her on their toes. 

A former teacher, Ruth cherishes her years spent in the classroom and fondly remembers the joy of inspiring young minds. Her advice to younger generations is simple yet profound: “Get an education and work hard.” Ruth’s life is a testament to this philosophy, as she embraces learning and personal growth. 

Born in Woodstock in 1924, Seasons Owen Sound resident Jean witnessed a century of change, experiencing every milestone with grace and optimism. Despite facing challenges and the loss of her beloved husband and dear friends, Jean maintains an infectious positivity that inspires everyone around her. 

Seasons Owen Sound has become more than just a residence for Jean; it’s a cherished community filled with warmth, companionship, and endless opportunities for connection. From the moment she first arrived, Jean was embraced by a community that values the comfort of its residents and their individuality and contributions. 

Jean’s life has been one of service and creativity. For 18 years, she dedicated herself to teaching 4-H teenage girls, imparting practical skills like knitting and cooking and invaluable life lessons. Her impact continues to resonate, as former students fondly recall her teachings and attribute their culinary prowess to Jean’s guidance. 

But Jean’s talents extend far beyond the classroom. A true artist at heart, she is an accomplished harmonica player, delighting those around her with her melodic tunes. Even during her days working in uniform, Jean carried her harmonica, ready to bring joy to her patients whenever time allowed. 

“There’s no secret to a long and happy life; just remember that the world is your oyster. Be adventurous and help people,” said Jean. 

Seasons Welland had the immense pleasure of celebrating the 100th birthday of their beloved resident, Lena. Despite battling heart concerns and cancer, Lena has defied the odds and reached this incredible milestone. Doctors once predicted she wouldn’t live past 80-85, yet she lives independently and is vibrant and full of life. 

To mark this special occasion, Lena received a certificate signed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and a personal birthday certificate from Welland’s Mayor Frank Campion, congratulating her on this remarkable achievement. 

Lena’s journey is a testament to her resilience and the supportive community at Seasons Welland. One of her favourite aspects of living there is the music and entertainment, which often features the music of her generation. For Lena, Seasons Welland feels like home. She enjoys the camaraderie at mealtimes with a beautiful group of ladies and appreciates the residents and staff’s kindness and warmth. 

Lena expressed that turning 100 feels marvellous, and she is grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful people and music that brings back so many memories. She shared that her advice is to try to remain healthy and surround yourself with good people. 

This handful of wonderful residents and countless others who call Seasons home amaze and inspire those who live and work at Seasons daily. The company offers a range of lifestyle options for seniors in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia. If you are searching for a retirement home for yourself or a loved one, please click the Locations tab on our website and contact one of our Leasing Managers at the Seasons Retirement Community closest to you. 

Discover Life at Seasons. Book a Personal Visit Today.