519-736-7557 Amherstburg, Ontario

5 fun outdoor activities for older adults


Heading outdoors in the summer to take in the fresh air and sunshine can be a fun and energizing way to get some exercise, spend some quality time with loved ones, or perhaps discover a new pastime. This is especially true now that fall is just around the corner!

1. Gardening

Every year, our resident Dale from Seasons Royal Oak Village (pictured below) has enjoyed planting and taking care of the two flower stands located at the back patio of the home. He waters and maintains the plants daily so they remain beautiful for the entire spring and summer.

Gardening is a fun and fulfilling activity for seniors, but there are additional benefits, too. Gardening can build strength, increase flexibility, and create a daily routine to provide comforting stability. Anyone can develop a green thumb with a bit of practice. If you’re a beginner, consider starting with some smaller indoor plants.

2. Walking

Going on a walk is a pleasurable activity at any age. Walks offer a chance to connect with nature while providing the opportunity to take part in many other hobbies at the same time. Bird watching, picnics, and photography, for instance, are an easy and fun addition to getting a light cardio workout.

At Seasons, we think walking is such an important form of exercise for seniors that it’s a main part of our Kickin’ It Up Program. This October, at every home, residents will record their walks and every Wednesday at 10:10 a.m., residents and team members participate in a ten-minute walk together. We call this initiative “Walk-tober”. If you find that walking in the bright sun or hot weather to be difficult, remember that there are many indoor walking options to explore. Depending on the time of year, local malls and arenas are air-conditioned and provide protection from the heat.

3. Sports and games

While some seniors stay extremely active in their later years, others may have to take it a bit easier based on physical abilities and fitness levels. Fortunately, there are a variety of sports and games to be played that can cater to the variety. Outdoor games are a great way to get outside, socialize, and create a little healthy competition.

Once again, depending on your level of fitness, going on a hike or playing a round of golf can be a fulfilling way to spend the day while getting some moderate exercise. Lawn bowling, horseshoes, or a ring/bean bag toss can also be a crowd-pleaser while allowing for a mild level of activity for seniors that aren’t as mobile. Toss games are always popular at our open houses and summer barbeques.

4. Visiting a local farm

If you’re looking for a rewarding experience that supports local farmers, consider heading out to pick your own produce. Farms can offer other fun activities, too, like baking classes, shopping, festivals, visiting with animals, and so many other enjoyable things to do.

Each month at Seasons, each home holds a Seasons Bakes with Anna Olson activity, where the residents get to bake a fresh and delicious dessert. Residents use one of Anna’s famous recipes and follow along with a cooking demonstration. Now, many of these treats feature fresh fruit, so why not head out to your local farm and use products that you have picked yourself when cooking? It can make the dish even more special!

5. Touring a local hot-spot

At Seasons, many of our communities are located in small towns which give way to some beautiful outdoor locations and natural scenery. Each town has its own local hot-spots, places that people love to visit, so why not book a tour of one you haven’t seen before?

Many of our residents at Seasons enjoy taking tours in or around town, like wine tours, walking tours, and even boat tours. Events like these are a great way to get out and socialize, with not only fellow residents but with others living in or visiting the community to explore. With a lifetime of experiences, and perhaps many years of living in the same town as ‘home’, seniors can provide a wealth of value in group settings like these ones. Many of our residents are continually doing so through our Seniorosity™ program.

Book a personal visit to best determine if Seasons is the right fit for you or your loved one. 

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