
The best plants for your indoor living space


Even though spring has officially sprung, it’s still a bit too cold and damp to get your outdoor garden in full bloom. If you can’t resist putting your green thumb to use or you’re craving some green in your home, consider adding these indoor plants to your living spaces. Plant experts from share care tips to help these plants thrive.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

The spider plant is adaptable and fairly easy to care for. According to Healthline, spider plants help purify the air, making it a worthwhile addition to your home.

Care tips: Provide well-drained soil, bright indirect light. Allow soil to dry out in between watering to avoid root rot.

Aloe Vera Plant (Aloe barbadensis)

Widely known for its medicinal properties, aloe vera plants are a part of the cactus family and are quite low maintenance. At the direction of your physician, aloe vera can also be used to treat minor cuts and burns.

Care tips: These plants require bright light and do well in south or west facing windows. Allow soil to dry out in between watering and ensure the pot drains properly. For best results, plant them in cactus potting soil.


The pothos plant does well in a variety of environments making it ideal for indoor conditions. Although pothos is easy to care for and looks beautiful, please be aware that it is poisonous. Avoid purchasing this plant if you have small children or pets.

Care tips: Pothos can be grown in dry soil or vases of water. They can survive in either bright or indirect light as well as low light.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

If you are someone who has a hard time keeping plants alive or isn’t home often, introduce a ZZ plant to your living space. It’s known to be indestructible because it can handle neglect and little light for several months.

Care tips: There aren’t many. This plant does better when left alone. Its preference for low or moderate indirect light means it’s perfect for a bathroom or basement space. Less is more when watering. Allow the soil to dry before watering again. If you forget to water it regularly, fear not: the ZZ plant can survive several months without any H2O.

Snake plant (Sansevierias)

Aside from its visual appeal, NASA studies show that snake plants can eliminate harmful toxins from the air. The snake plant adds zest to rooms with little sunlight, without requiring much attention to stay healthy.

Care tips: Place in indirect sunlight and do not water often, especially during winter months. Use free draining soil to guarantee it won’t rot.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Beautiful peace lilies give living spaces a pop of colour and can freshen up a drab room. Peace lilies are rather straight-forward to grow as long they aren’t over or under-watered.

Care tips: If you want a peace lily with more flowers, place it in medium to bright light. If placed in low-light peace lilies will bloom less. Try not to overwater the plant by checking its soil weekly. If the soil is damp, it doesn’t need water but if it’s dry, then it’s time to give it a drink.

Whether you’re a gardening guru or are new to the art, these bright, beautiful plants will quickly snap you out of the winter blues and improve the look and feel of your home.

Seasons Retirement Communities caters to a wide-range of interests, including gardening. Many communities have gardening clubs and activities for plant-lovers and for those who want to try their hand at a new hobby. Some Seasons Retirement Communities have indoor potting rooms and raised planters to make gardening easy for our residents. To learn more about what we offer and to find the location nearest you, visit




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