
The Signs of Change


At Seasons, we often hear “I wish I had made this decision sooner!” Take a look at this infographic and ask yourself some of these questions the next time you pay your loved one a visit. If you notice any of these or other changes in your loved one’s routine, the team at Seasons can help!

image showing areas of a house floorplan with clickpoints that show additional info for each area image showing areas of a house floorplan with clickpoints that show additional info for each area
laundry room image

Laundry Room

Is the laundry piling up? Does your loved one stress about not having any clean clothes? Household chores are tiresome and washing machines in the basement can be difficult to access.

washroom room image


Did your loved one once take pride in their appearance, and now it seems they don’t care? Take a look around. Spills on the floor are an indication they aren’t reaching the bathroom in time.

stairs room image


Does your loved one stick to one floor of their house? This could be because they feel they can’t manage the stairs, or are afraid of falling.

bedroom room image


Do you have concerns about correct medication use? Are pills left in the blister pack, or is medication on the floor?

dining room image

Dining Room

If there are bills, newspapers and other items cluttering your loved one’s home, they may be having trouble keeping up with the housework.

living room image

Living Room

Aside from watching TV, how else is your loved one staying busy?

kitchen room image


Check the fridge for spoiled food, or evidence of fresh food from a recent trip to the grocery store. Is your loved one living on tea and frozen or processed food?

yard room image


Are the gardens and lawn looking as good as they once did? Yard work is strenuous. Your loved one might need a helping hand to keep the yard looking neat.

garage room image


Has your loved one lost their driver’s licence? This can limit their independence, as they will need to depend on others to run errands, get to appointments and visit friends and family.

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