Due to COVID-19, eighth graders, high school seniors, college and university students will be celebrating their graduation differently this year. Graduation is a significant milestone in one’s life and we believe the hard work and dedication of these students deserves to be acknowledged.
Our residents have a wealth of knowledge to share with new graduates in an initiative we are calling Seasons Seniors to Seniors. Here are some of our residents’ life lessons for those who are closing one chapter and embarking on another:
Barbara A., Seasons High River
Appreciate and cultivate the interests and skills you have. Pursue your goals in life, even though the road may not always be smooth. Follow your heart and enjoy life to the fullest.
Don B., Seasons Wetaskiwin
Remember the many people who have helped you along the way, providing encouragement and faith in times of self-doubt.
Shirley B., Seasons Owen Sound
At times, know that it’s OK to take care of yourself. You have to respect yourself in order to have the emotional energy to support and be generous to others.
John E., Seasons Dufferin Centre
Enjoy even your small successes. Life is a journey that is best enjoyed in slow time.
John G., Seasons Amherstburg
Don’t be afraid to keep learning and to travel. After graduating, I had the opportunity to travel to England. It was an adventure I treasure to this day.
Phil K., Seasons High River
Always enjoy what you do, and know that in life you can never ask too many questions. Ask everything.
Charles M., Seasons Royal Oak Village
There will be times in your life that will challenge you and there will be moments that will bring you tremendous joy. A life, a full life, is not a single moment or a few years, it is everything from start to finish with the story still being told.
Lucy G., Seasons Brantford
Persevere and don’t give up: Take care of yourself. Eat well and exercise. You’ll need to stay strong to enjoy the experiences ahead and face challenges as they come.
Jean S., Seasons Milton
If you feel something you love calling your name, refuse to worry about whether or not you will be good enough. Just do it.
Vince T., Seasons High River
Knowledge is power. Learn everything you can.
Eileen C., Seasons Stoney Creek
Money isn’t everything to guide you along the way. Eventually, you’ll find you won’t need all the extras to be happy.
Jarvis W., Seasons Camrose
It takes a lot of thinking to discover what is best for you, and even this may change as you and the world change. You just have to keep your eyes open and be willing to adjust.
Fern O., Seasons Olds
We didn’t have graduations in my day; it was the depression. Going forward, do the best you can at whatever you choose and be nice to everyone you meet.
On behalf of all of us at Seasons Retirement Communities, congratulations to the class of 2020!