519-736-7557 Amherstburg, Ontario

The senior driving dilemma


Age alone does not determine if a person is a safe driver. Many older adults are able to make safe driving decisions and remain confident on the road for years. But we change as we age and sometimes our health will impact our ability to continue driving safely. The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT), launched the National Blueprint for Injury Prevention in Older Drivers and lists changes to one’s vision, physical state, cognition or reaction time as signals of an inability to continue driving safely.

The loss of one’s license has an enormous impact. Doug, a Seasons resident explained that his doctor telling him he shouldn’t be driving his car anymore “took away my independence.” His family put this news into perspective when they asked him, “how would you feel if you were driving and unintentionally caused an accident and killed someone?” This weighed heavily on Doug’s mind and he gave up his license.

Doug decided that a move to Seasons was the best solution for him. Retirement community living means older adults are not isolated at home, dependent on family or neighbours to drive them to run errands or doctor’s appointments. While there are certainly transportation options for seniors, they do not address the loneliness factor the way a senior community does. Instead of waiting around for a drive to the grocery store, residents can enjoy their free time as they choose and simply arrive at meal time to a table of good company and a delicious selection of food. No designated driver necessary!

Visit www.olderdriversafety.ca for safe driving resources for seniors.

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