
Over 80 Driver’s License Renewal in Ontario

over 80 driving licence renewal

*Please note that Seasons Retirement does not have any afflation with this program. Please call 1-800-396-4233 or visit the government of Ontario website for enquiries or more details.

If your loved ones still enjoy the freedom of travelling out and about, they’ll likely need to consider renewing their license after celebrating their 80th birthday. *When this happens in Ontario, there are special considerations that you will need to make, as it marks a milestone after which the government requires you to follow a specific procedure to maintain the right to drive.

Seasons Retirement supports our residents and their independence, and we offer free general parking for residents who own cars. That being said, we recommend using this article as a reference to understand the requirements for over 80 driving license renewals and maintain the ability to move around according to their needs.

Steps to the Renewal Process


In Ontario, older adults past their 80th birthday will receive a letter containing a renewal form and a document outlining the steps they’ll need to take for over 80 driving license renewal.

Your loved ones won’t receive their letter until three months before their license expires. This gives them plenty of notice and time to make arrangements to follow the following steps.

Appointment reservation

Once the mail notice has been delivered, older adults must make arrangements to attend a session during which they will go through their licence renewal. Note that this does not necessarily mean a test, as a senior driving test in Ontario is not required in all cases.

You’ll need to call 416-235-3579 in Toronto or 1-800-396-4233 on a toll-free basis to start booking your appointment. Your loved one should have their driver’s licence handy to provide the requested number. This would also be an excellent time to ask for any special accommodations and clarify requirements, such as wheelchair accessibility or an interpreter for foreign or sign language.

Appointments are held at over 100 locations across the province. Since Seasons also has several locations across Ontario, you’ll likely be able to find a centre that’s close to your loved one’s place. After providing the details and selecting the desired location, you’ll get the date and time of your appointment. In rare cases, depending on availability, you may receive a date only available after the licence expires. In this case, your loved one will obtain a temporary permit that can be used while waiting for the renewal.

Note that over 80 driving licence renewal is available for up to 6 months at most – after this period, the licence will expire and will no longer be valid in Ontario. Therefore, it’s good to have your parents and grandparents consider promptly renewing their request.

Attend your booked session for renewal

Before the session, the individual will be required to watch an educational video about driving and road rules which should serve as a refresher for your loved one. This important step should not be skipped, as they will undergo a screening exercise during the session that may call upon details within the video. These will not be the equivalent of senior driving test questions – instead, they are usually based upon the contents of the video itself.

The renewal session will take around half an hour in most cases and will require the individual to bring along some specific items:

  • The driver’s licence that needs renewal
  • Any eyeglasses or visual aids necessary for proper vision when driving
  • The form you received along with the instruction document in the mail
  • Water, as it may not necessarily be available at specific locations
  • Snacks for those with dietary requirements (i.e. diabetics that need to regulate sugar intake)
  • Hearing aids, if necessary

The session will involve testing the participant’s vision and performing the screening mentioned above, a cognitive test for seniors in Ontario. Depending on the results, note that your loved one may be required to book an appointment for a senior driving test in Ontario. Connecting with a medical professional and following up with additional medical record information may also be necessary.

Passing the seniors driving test in Ontario

If the cognitive test results for seniors in Ontario require it, your loved one may be required to pass a road test as part of their licence renewal process. This is affected by how well the older adult performs during the screening and based on their driving record in the province.

An over 80 driving test is not much different from a regular one. However, they will likely consider specific circumstances and conditions that might limit a good range of motion when driving. It won’t require a written component or studying using senior driving test questions.

If your loved one can adequately grasp the road rules and requirements while driving, they should have no issue passing the road test and moving on to the next step.

Getting a New Licence Copy

After passing the screening and seniors driving test in Ontario (if required), the renewal process returns to the normal process of visiting a Service Ontario centre to process your licence application and receive a physical copy of your new licence.

Remember that your loved one must bring an ID confirming their date of birth, legal name, and signature information to process their application. Once processed, the agent will provide you with a timeframe for receiving your physical licence, usually in the mail.


Older persons in Ontario are still free to maintain their driving privileges if they follow these steps and demonstrate their ability to drive safely and responsibly on the road past their 80th birthday. Seasons Retirement supports the independence of all our residents and encourages them to prepare for this important milestone to maintain their ability to travel and visit destinations as they please.

You can visit the official website here for more information. *You will need to contact the appropriate party for the next steps; Seasons does not offer driving courses.

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