March 30, 2021
Hello everyone,
Let me begin by updating you on the outbreak situations we are currently dealing with in Lethbridge and High River Alberta. Please refer to your site-specific updates and communication for current outbreak protocols and restrictions in place at your homes for our staff, residents, and families at these locations:
Seasons Lethbridge. I am pleased to share that the outbreak at Seasons Lethbridge was rescinded late last week.
Seasons Lethbridge Gardens. We have zero active cases at this time. Dining services have resumed in the dining room with health and safety protocols in place. Should things continue to progress well, and given that we contained the outbreak to the single, original case, we hope Alberta Health Services (AHS) will lift our outbreak status before the 28-day standard.
Seasons High River. We continue to have zero active resident cases and one active staff case. Similarly, we hope that if things progress well, AHS will lift our outbreak status as soon as possible.
The provincial governments remain highly concerned about the new strains of COVID-19. We know that 67% of positive COVID-19 cases in Ontario, and 26% in Alberta, are the new variant. In recent interviews, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, has said that these new variants threaten Canada’s progress before seeing the full benefits of vaccines.
We are in the midst of a week of many religious and cultural events; Passover, a Jewish holiday, was on the weekend, as well as Holi, an ancient Hindu festival. We also had Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week leading up to Easter. These days are typically observed by gathering with friends and family. Yet again, we find ourselves in a situation where we must heed Public Health’s advice and limit our interactions with those who are not part of our households. Expressly, Dr. Tam has advised that this Easter is not the time to be having large gatherings.
Seasons continues to follow all required enhanced directives and orders from our provincial government, our sector regulators, local public health and city by-laws because of our vulnerable population. We are committed to keeping our staff and their extended families, residents, and visitors healthy and safe.
We continue to advocate with our sector regulators about amending certain retirement home restrictions given our excellent resident vaccination penetration rates. We will keep you all informed as directives change and evolve.
All eligible Seasons Retirement Communities residents were able to have at least one dose of the vaccine for COVID-19, and AHS/Public Health is scheduling more second-round vaccination dates moving forward. Unfortunately, not all staff or Designated Essential Visitors have had the same opportunity. With the added risk of the new, more transferable variants, we continue to ask that everyone please remain vigilant.
A reminder that Outdoor Social Visits must be scheduled in advance by contacting the Seasons community directly. Outdoor Social Visits will continue to be restricted to Designated Essential Visitors at this time until directives and orders change. When you arrive, you will undergo health screening. We ask that you practice continuous masking, good hand hygiene and proper physical distancing at all times. We encourage people not to visit us if they feel unwell and want to remind residents to remain in their suites if they feel sick. Please inform a member of the Seasons Health & Wellness team who will follow up with you.
There is much to be hopeful about: We will eventually put this chapter behind us and return to normal operations. Let’s all maintain our vigilance so that day comes as soon as possible.
LeighAnne Voll
Chief Operating Officer,
Seasons Retirement Communities
For additional online resources for COVID-19 you can visit the following sites:
Canada Health
Alberta Health
Alberta Health Services
Public Health Ontario
Retirement Home Regulatory Authority