519-736-7557 Amherstburg, Ontario

COVID-19 Update Dec 22, 2020: Seasons Olds

December 22, 2020


Hello everyone,

We were advised today that Seasons Olds has been placed in outbreak. Please rest assured that Seasons is working closely with AHS Public Health, as well as the Medical Officer of Health in managing this outbreak.

We wanted to provide clarity on the following:

Contract tracing continues with any new COVID+ client or staff, and the situation is being closely monitored. Seasons will directly contact any individual considered exposed to confirmed cases, and these individuals are asked to self-isolate and offered testing for COVID-19.

Any staff deemed to have been exposed will be placed on work restrictions for 14 days and without symptoms. Only those individuals contacted directly by Seasons are considered exposed to a case. If you are not contacted directly by Seasons, you are not considered exposed and can continue with your usual activities while monitoring for symptoms.

Prevalence testing may be requested by the MOH for staff that have worked on a unit or building within a date range and without symptoms to be swabbed to determine COVID activity. The staff that have completed prevalence testing can continue to work if a Screening Assessment is passed. If you acquire symptoms at any point, work restriction is required until the COVID swab results are confirmed as negative and symptoms resolved. We continue to encourage all staff to complete their prevalence testing today, or as soon as possible.

As always, all healthcare workers are asked to self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure risk using a screening tool before reporting to a site for their shift. Anyone with symptoms is required to self-isolate until symptoms resolve and a negative test result is received or if testing has not occurred for 10 days from the start of symptoms and until symptoms have resolved, whichever is longer. Covid-19 testing results are required prior to return to work for all new symptoms.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your General Manager directly. Team members, residents, and families thank you for your ongoing efforts and vigilance during this time and for your continued support of one another through these challenging times.


LeighAnne Voll
Chief Operating Officer,
Seasons Retirement Communities

For additional online resources for COVID-19 you can visit the following sites:

Canada Health
Alberta Health
Alberta Health Services
Public Health Ontario
Retirement Home Regulatory Authority

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