
COVID, cold or flu: How to keep yourself and others safe


Before COVID-19, the flu and other viruses put seniors at risk. This is once again the case as we enter this year’s flu season, especially for seniors living with respiratory ailments. For this reason, Seasons team members are trained and skilled at successful infection control.

Staying well-informed can have a significant impact on how we can best protect ourselves, our loved ones and others in the local community. Below is a valuable tool for understanding the differences in symptoms between the common cold, flu and COVID-19. For personalized advice, you should consult with a trusted medical professional. Please stay home and away from others if you feel sick.

Symptom Comparison

CoughCommon (Dry)MildCommon (Dry)
Aches and PainsSometimesCommonCommon
Runny or Stuffy NoseRareCommonSometimes
Sore ThroatSometimesCommonSometimes
Shortness of BreathSometimesNoNo
Sources: Alberta Health (World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

How to Protect Yourself and Others

Get a Seasonal Flu Shot

The annual flu shot is a proven safe and effective way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. “The flu shot is in higher demand this year because of the pandemic, which means it’s important to book an appointment at your local clinic soon. This will help prevent the spread of the virus and work to reduce additional pressure on our healthcare workers. Being proactive in getting the flu shot can make a difference,” says Brenda D’Alimonte, Director of Care Services and registered nurse. *Seasons residents can receive the flu shot in-house as their health and wellbeing remain our highest priority.

Follow Safety Precautions

Safety precautions such as wearing a mask, properly washing or sanitizing our hands, and practicing social distancing, can also help prevent contact with other germs. Better yet, if we stick to a small and consistent social circle and limit contact with people at higher risk like older adults or people with compromised immune systems. Even though these restrictions and their impact on our daily lives can become tiresome, we must continue to follow the advice of our public health authorities in a combined effort to keep each other safe.

Learn more about the number of safety precautions in place at Seasons.

*Subject to availability from Public Health.

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