905-864-6888 Milton, Ontario

8 pieces of advice from Seasons residents


This year is the 9th Year of Seasons Celebrates Remarkable Residents at Seasons Retirement Communities. As a company, we believe that when we take the time to connect with our residents and show them we care, we can positively change their lives and others. The Seasons Celebrates Remarkable Residents program has a lasting, positive impact on the residents whose stories are heard. It also positively affects our team members who have the chance to learn something unique and inspiring about the individuals they serve each day.

After completing an entry form, residents are entered into the running for the Remarkable Resident title and a prize of one month’s free rent at their respective residence. In addition to other questions, we ask our residents what they would say if they could go back in time and speak to their younger selves.

Here is some of the best advice that was shared:

1. “Do not let negative things from the past stop you from enjoying the present.”

– Lorraine F., Seasons Lethbridge Gardens

2. “Be good to others, enjoy life, and always be yourself.”

– Peter G., Seasons Belle River

3. “Don’t rush it. Trust yourself, don’t listen to what others have to say. You can’t please everyone all the time.”

– Loraine W., Seasons Drayton Valley

4. “Life will be busy, sometimes difficult, but mostly satisfying. If I could do it all over again, I would.”

– Don R., Seasons High River

5. “Grasp every opportunity to learn a new skill and broaden your interests. Be a life-long learner.”

– Jean S., Seasons Milton

6. “The biggest gift you will receive is the opportunity to give to another. Even if a smile is all you have to give, give it joyfully. You’ll meet someone who needs it.”

– Janette O., Seasons Olds Encore

7. “Don’t turn down opportunities for adventure or regret taking a chance.”

– Jim H., Seasons Ponoka

“Ask questions. You will find people are fascinating, and it’s surprising how much you could have in common.”

– Margaret A., Seasons St. Thomas

The corporate selection committee has carefully narrowed down the semi-finalists and finalists from each Seasons community. We are creating videos of the finalists’ stories which will be posted to the Seasons Retirement Communities Facebook page starting on June 14.

Get in touch

To find out if Seasons is suitable for you or your loved one, we would encourage you to speak with the Seasons Leasing Manager at your desired location or complete our contact form to arrange a virtual or in-person visit. You can rest assured that all visits will be scheduled following COVID-19 safety measures. For the most up-to-date protocols, see our Company tab.

Discover Life at Seasons. Book a Personal Visit Today.